IBC. Inc.

IBC Manifest Submit via HTTP Post


You can use this URL Endpoint to submit your air AMS data file for direct injection. This is an alternative method to the IBC Manifest Submit Form or sending the data via email.

Note: This endpoint does not accept manifests for testing purposes. Use the Manifest Test API for manifest tests.

The URL of this service is:


File Name and Submission rules

On you IBC onboarding completion you were given a set of email addresses to make submissions in the form of: aams-data-*@pactrak.com.

Here are some sample submissions using:


      curl -F 'data=@/path_to_file/aams-data-test.csv' https://api.pactrak.com/manifests/upload

This method is an alternative to FTP Uploads and can easily be scripted.

Build your own HTML Form

        <form method="post" action="https://api.pactrak.com/manifests/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                <input type="file" id="file" name="file" accept=".csv, .txt, text/plain, text/csv" />
                <input type="submit" value="Upload" />

This HTML snippet is a simple example form where you select and upload the file to the service.

Use the IBC Post Submit Form

Upload using the IBC Manifest Upload form directly.

Use that form to upload your formatted maniefest directly.

System responses

This services responds with the following JSON response

         "response_code": 0,  /**  0 for success or 1 for error */
         "response_message":"",  /**  Processing messages */
           "msg": ""   /** message from service */
         "is_error": false

NOTE: After your submission is processed the Air AMS system will respond back with either a success or email message, which is your official confirmation of a submission, not this JSON response.