IBC. Inc.

Manifest Test API


Use this API to test your IBC manifest data interactively. You will submit your data to the system and you will receive via JSON response the validation of your manifest data. We recommend you perform these tests when your account is onboarding or whenever you are making changes to your manifest format at any time.

Sample JSON Submission Object

The Manifest Test API URL is: https://api.pactrak.com/tests/manifest

Optional: You can pass these URL type parameters 'eccf' or 'cfs' to specify what type of test you are submitting for example
https://api.pactrak.com/tests/manifest?type=cfs for a CFS manifest. The default is ECCF.

The following JSON format is what it is expected for new test submissions

        /**   HTTP POST request to: https://api.pactrak.com/tests/manifest   headers: { Content-Type: 'application/json' }   **/
        /**   IBC Full manifest format spec is available here: https://www.ibcinc.com/manifests/fullman.html  **/
        /**   This API takes your CSV Data and tests the format and returns JSON with the results  **/
            "email": "your_email@me.com",  /**  We use this to track your requests **/
            "manifest_data": "6,failures@yourdomain.com\n7,success@yourdomain.com\n1,20190929_3151,20200219,HKG,LAX,CX 086,18024133126\n8,,13000299506,,813000299506,,HKG,LAX,,,,1,50.00,K,DOC,,,DOCUMENTS,,P,L,ST,0,,8870,,,ARRIUM LTD,LVL 8 205 PACIFIC HWY,,NA,ST,,AU,02 84249800,BAKER AND MCKENZIE,ASHLEY M KOK-ALBLAS,300 EAST RANDORPH ST ,SUITE 5000,CHICAGO,60,01,US,3128618000,,00196452075,1\n"

The manifest_data value is the CSV data format to be tested. Please follow the detail manifest format instructions here for more details: https://www.ibcinc.com/manifests/fullman.html

Note that depending on the size of your input, the test suite will take longer to perform the test and respond. If you are testing a large data sample increase the read_input_timeout parameter on your client to wait for a longer response. We recommend to limit your test size to about 100 shipment samples.

Sample JSON Response Object

Expect the Following JSON reponse after a new request is made

        /**  HTTP Status Code: 201 Created  headers: { Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } **/
            "response_code": 0,
            "response_message": "Entry has been created",
            "request_url": "/v1/tests/manifest/",
            "entry": {
                "_id": "UNIQUE_ID For this transaction",
                "transaction_type": "manifest",
                "transaction_id": "your_email@me.com",
                "transaction_msg": "Result: ",
                "transaction_record": "YOUR DATA INPUT",
                "transaction_result": "YOUR TEST RESULT",
                "created_date": "TIMESTAMP",
                "completed_date": "TIMESTAMP",
                "__v": 0
            "is_error": false

Retrieve a list of your tests

You can review a list of your JSON Requests by using this API as well.
Use the following URL to retrieve the JSON response: https://api.pactrak.com/tests/manifest?email=your_email@domain.com

        /**  HTTP GET request to: https://api.pactrak.com/tests/manifest/?email=your_email@domain.com **/
        /**  You must pass the URL parameter email with the address used in your requests  **/
            "response_code": 0,
            "response_message": "Transaction retrieved",
            "request_url": "/v1/tests/manifest/",
            "entry": [  /** One of more objects container your test data and results **/
                    "_id": "UNIQUE_ID For this transaction",
                    "transaction_type": "manifest",
                    "transaction_id": "your_email@domain.com",
                    "transaction_msg": "Result: ",
                    "transaction_record": "YOUR DATA INPUT",
                    "transaction_result": "YOUR TEST RESULT",
                    "created_date": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "completed_date": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "__v": 0
            "is_error": false
