This is JSON REST API service that reports on the current status and a summary of your master airwaybill tendered to IBC.
The service responds to HTTP GET requests to the following URL:
Pass your master airwaybill number to the URL to retrieve the response.
* The HTTP response code.
* @type Integer.
"code": 200,
* Response message relevant to the action requested.
* @type String.
* Response message for the developer relevant to the errors received.
* @type String.
* A unique ID for the server responding to the request.
* @type String.
* A link to the resource.
* @type String.
* The method requested by the caller.
* @type String.
* A boolean flag notice, true for JSONP requests.
* @type String.
* This object contains the summary details and the history object.
* @type Array.
"content": [
"manifest_number": "",
"service": "",
"date": "",
* An array of event objects
* @type Array
"history": [
"time_stamp": ""
"message": ""
"entry_count": 0