IBC. Inc.

IBC Zipx eTrack Documentation


This service allows you to retrieve track information for your Zipx shipments.

Your client must use GET HTTP method to successfully retrieve your shipment's JSON track structure.

The service URL is:

You must pass as part of the URL your IBC track number. For example for track number 102030 the URL is:

You can limit the result object by using your specific 4 digit IBC account number:

JSON Data Structures

After making a submission you should expect a return of one of the following JSON structures:

The successful JSON Structure response. Response code 200.

{ / * Successful JSON response object */
"code": 200,
"message": "OK ",
"developerMessage": "",
"served_by": "",
"response_body": { /** Main response object */
"history_profile": { /** Events object section */
"database": "zipx",
"key": ""
"movement_time": "",
"event_report": [ /** IBC Event details array section */
{ /** One or many event code objects will be reported */
"code": "", /** Event code such as M, B, or A*/
"timestamp": "", /** Event timestamp */
"text": "" /** Free form text usually station code is reported here. */
"details": { /** Piece details object section only reported when the item is available.*/
"bill_number": "", /** IBC assigned track number. */
"incoming_track": "", /** Incoming track number from provider. */
"incoming_provider": "", /** Item received from this mail provider such as USPS, Fedex. */
"weight_lbs": "", /** Weight in Pounds.*/
"weight_kgs": "", /** Weight in kilograms. */
"value": "", /** Declared value on invoice. (may not be available) */
"final_destination": "", /** 3 char ISO Code of destination country / airport */
"account": "", /** Zipx Account number */
"pieces": "" /** Pieces reported and associated with the track number */

Error Response JSON structure

* The HTTP response code
* @type Integer.
"code": 400,

* Response message relevant to the action requested.
* @type String.

* Detailed Response message relevant to the action requested.
* @type String.

* On some exceptions the executed response could appear here. Usually when the vendor
* information service did not complete. This response structure is similar to the standard JSON response.
* It does need to be parsed into a JSON object, and it's "vendor_trace" property will contain the actual vendor
* service error. */
"profile": "",

* A link to the resource.
* @type String.

On error responses the Developer message object will contain a validity report with details of the issues found with the input provided. It is formatted with end of line chars "\n" so that it will be readable in your browser's web console.